Tripoli Mist Body Oil – 40 ml

Tripoli Mist Body Oil – 40 ml

2 customer reviews

14 $

Perfumed trails takes us away, and the journey leads us to the borders of civilization. The history of perfume is a reflection of humanity. Tripoli mist reflects the orange blossom aroma that takes your soul all over the old souks of Tripoli.


Tripoli Mist Body Oil

Essential oils: Sesame Oil, Sunflower Oil, Olive Oil, Sweet Almond Oil. 

Aromatic Oils: Orange blossom, Jasmine, Musk, Vanilla.

How to use: Apply a few drops on the body after shower and gently massage it until the skin absorbs the oil. It lasts up to 24 hours on your body.

Weight152 g
Dimensions3,5 × 3,5 × 15 cm

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